
I'm James Reeves, and I specialize in development and consultation for the Clojure programming language.
I've been developing applications and libraries for the web for 18 years, and I've been involved with Clojure since 2008.
Today, a significant portion of Clojure's web development ecosystem is built on code I've written or currently maintain, including Ring and Hiccup and Integrant.
I'm available for contracting and consulting work on Clojure, or on web development in general. Contact me for more information.
Talks at Skills Matter:
Talks at EuroClojure:
Talks at Dutch Clojure Days:
Open source libraries and tools I've authored or co-authored:
- ring
- ring-anti-forgery
- ring-codec
- ring-defaults
- ring-headers
- ring-json
- ring-mock
- ring-session-timeout
- ring-ssl
- ataraxy
- brutha
- clj-aws-s3
- clj-less
- cljfmt
- clout
- codox
- comb
- compojure
- crouton
- crumpets
- crypto-equality
- crypto-keystore
- crypto-password
- crypto-random
- duct
- duct-figwheel-component
- duct-hikaricp-component
- duct-ragtime-component
- eftest
- environ
- euclidean
- evaljs
- flupot
- hanami
- hiccup
- impi
- integrant
- integrant-repl
- intentions
- ittyon
- lein-auto
- lein-beanstalk
- lein-generate
- lein-ring
- lein-version-script
- medley
- meta-merge
- ns-tracker
- progrock
- ragtime
- reagi
- reloaded.repl
- resauce
- ring-jetty-component
- ring-refresh
- ring-server
- ring-webjars
- rotary
- strowger
- substream
- suspendable
- whorl
- james@booleanknot.com
- phone
- +44 (0)7870 982203